Saturday, May 16, 2015

Series: Highways & Hedges~ Is God Leading You Down a Narrow Street?

Or, is HE sending you out into the great unknown?

Some Christians call themselves followers, disciples or apostles. Others call themselves missionaries, emissaries, or ambassadors. Still others refer to themselves as just plain messengers. No matter how you refer to yourself, the bottom line is that we are called to go out and be witnesses for Him throughout the world.

So, where is God leading you? Can you look out your window, and see people walking by on the sidewalk, or do you have to drive several miles just to see your nearest neighbor? No matter where you are ~ in whatever capacity is your walk with God ~ He will have someone there that you need to speak to, encourage, or help in some way. There will someone that the Holy Spirit is wooing, and you are given the honor of being a part of it. He uses what  is unknown to us to  build our faith.  

God will work with your personality; He will not ask you to do something that you are not equipped to do. But, He will keep expanding our envelope, and putting us outside our comfort zone. That’s one way we can know something is from God-if it makes us uncomfortable. If we stay within that safety zone of comfort, we cannot grow, and if we cannot grow, then we are essentially unteachable. If we are unteachable, then God can’t use us.

So look around your small town, your city block, or your country lane, and see where God is sending you. It might be outside of your comfort zone. If it is, then go with confidence that the situation will be used to help you grow and mature,so as to broaden your horizons and prepare you for the journey ahead.


next part

of your journey

starts here!