Sunday, September 1, 2013

God In a Box

We have met a lot of people over the last three years, ‘out on the road’. Let me be more specific~a lot of religious people. People who make claims about God, but seem to have forgotten to read the scripture pertaining to their particular subject.

One instance that comes to mind was from a Baptist pastor in Brevard, NC. He not only pastured a small congregation on a huge, unused campus, but was also a teacher at the local Baptist seminary, Fruitland.

In his ‘message’, he said that God does not speak audibly to His people anymore. He gave no reason; just that it didn’t happen anymore. A few sentences later, he said that God never changes, then quoted the scripture that says God is the same today, tomorrow and forever. My immediate thought was ‘Pick one, Mister. You can’t have it both ways.’

One young man, ironically named Christian, came to his youth pastor, who we were guests of, and asked him what the pastor meant. He relayed the story of his salvation while at a Christian youth camp. During the night, he had heard his name being called, and likened it to the story of Samuel. When Christian experienced this, he was 13 years old. He told the youth pastor that it didn’t matter to him what the old pastor had said. He knew it was God’s voice he heard calling him to salvation.

One of the things that we have seen over and over again is some people want to take the God that created this:


yet is small enough to live here:

and try to put Him here: 


Shame on those people who, because of their own lack of education and understanding, lead others astray. Let God be God, and let us esteem ourselves to reach His level of wisdom, instead of dumbing Him down so that He fits in the confines of our minds.