Monday, July 16, 2012

Who Are We Following?

Worldy People

The crowd?

The ego?

The appetite?

The favorite team/athlete?

Church People                                                                
The crowd?   

The ego?                                           

The appetite?

The favorite team/athlete?

The denomination?

Romans 16:17 But I beg of you my brethren, beware of those who are causing division and subversion outside of the doctrine which you have learned, that you should stay away from them.
(Aramaic Bible in Plain English(©2010)

Generally speaking, if a person is 
                                                              Presbyterian, they follow John Calvin,
                                                              Baptist, they follow John Smyth,
                                                              Church of God-RG and Richard Spurling,
                                                              Church of God of Prophecy-Ambrose Tomlinson,
                                                              Methodist, Wesleyan, or Nazarene-John Wesley,
                                                              Catholic-the Pope,
                                                              Anglecan/Episcopalian-Queen Elizabeth I,
                                                              Mormon-Joseph Smith,
                                                              Lutheran-Martin Luther

All these denominations have some belief or doctine that is unique to that denomination. We are told not to create factions (denominations), yet we do, then argue over who's right and who's wrong. What we should be doing is follow the example of Christ, do what He says, and leave the 'denomination' to the currency, and other worldly things that want to break things down into smaller and smaller pieces. God is about WHOLE numbers. And that number is ONE:
Ephesians 4:4-6 There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and

So, what   denomination was Jesus again?